We are a drinking club with a running problem. We run every Saturday.

5pm during daylight savings time, 3 pm otherwise.

Hash locations will always be on the calendar below. If it’s not posted yet, you are too early.

Want to hare? Find an empty date and email hare@madisonh3.com

March 29, 2025
  • Puppy Poker Birthday Hash "Run" #2498
    Start: 5:00 pm
    Date: March 29, 2025  - 3 days from now


    Cum celebrate Puppy's hash milestone 69th birthday and the first anniversary of Undertoker's 69th with a hash! What could go wrong with this much experience in one place!?

    Lake Edge Lutheran Church parking lot in 4000 block of Hegg Ave, corner of Hegg and Lake Edge Blvd.

April 5, 2025
  • DDD/Slimer/WaweBits Burlesque Hash Run #2499
    Start: 3:00 pm
    Date: April 5, 2025  - 1 week from now


    APRIL 5TH Burly-Aoke Hash by WWBITS, Slimer Vagina, and DDDestruction A to B Trail Time: 3:00PM (NOTE EARLY START TIME*) Location: Marlborough Park (2222 Whenona Dr, Madison, WI 53711) On In: Bluey’s All Star Club (5201 Whitcomb Dr. Madison WI) Hash Cash: $5-10 Food: TBD REGO NOW TO GET YOUR TOE TAGS! (By 3/31) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14mSEh-6blpka3xPqnAMex4lMzrjwGkLCc_Gfcix8AEk/edit?gid=0#gid=0 Debaucherous divas and dandies, Dancing Queens, Superstars, Songbirds, and Performers! Today is the day to shine in the limelight and claim your spot on the stage! It is TIME to give your ALL while taking it OFF at the Burly-aoke Hash! Clear your pipes and wet your whistles, loosen your hips and don your glitter, sequins and boots! We have a special trail planned that will help you find your destiny to stardom. We look forward to sharing silly dirty sing a longs, sassy dance offs, prizes and games with ya’ll that encourage you to embrace the bold wonderful beautiful hashers ya’ll are! Please REGO asap for us to order enough food, and if you are feeling sassy and flamboyant be sure to mark “Y” in the spreadsheet to be in our show! Reach out to DDDestruction or WWBITS if you have a song in mind. There will be an amazing stage waiting for you! See you there! On On!

April 12, 2025
  • Beer Nuts and Prick’er Bush Historic Birthday Trail Run #2500
    Start: 4:00 pm
    Date: April 12, 2025  - 2 weeks from now


    It's the 2500th Madison Hash!! Now with a new commemorative patch! Cum out April 12th for a top tier Madison trail which includes beer, cheep grub, a birthday gift, and even a friggin patch! The Beer Nuts/Prick’er Bush Historic Birthday Trail! Beer Nuts has been hashing for 25 years so of course there will be 25 different kinds of beers! To make it even better, its Prick’er Bush’s birthday hash with birthday gifts from the Prick to all attending $10 hash cash includes trail, commemorative patch, birthday gift, beer and cheap grub. Location:Portland Park basketball courts

April 19, 2025
  • Little Black Dress 19 #2501
    Start: 5:00 pm
    Date: April 19, 2025  - 3 weeks from now


    Little Black Dress #19 Dribbs Dedication A Golden Birthday Bring memories, photos, calendars and let's celebrate Dribbles In!